Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kindle Skills - Battery Saver

It has been pretty well documented that with all Kindles (from version 1 to today) will give you more time between battery charges if you turn your Wireless off.

A good thing to do is to turn your Wireless on at least some time each day while you are reading or just letting it sit. This will give it a chance to update any blogs or magazines you are subscribed to (like this blog?) and insure you always have the latest edition. It will also give your Kindle a chance to "phone home" and check for any critical updates to the firmware itself for your favorite little machine. This is really important.

If you want to keep the Wireless turned off the rest of the time, that is fine. While on your home screen, press the Menu button. Then navigate to the top of the list until the words Turn Wireless On is underlined. Press in on the 5 way button to turn your wireless on. If it is already on, the option to turn it off will be available.

Using this method, you should be able to more than double your battery time.