Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wiki Search

Originally posted April 25, 2010 by Cindy O'Neal

Edgar Rice Burroughs
The man had a fascinating life, and Wiki and your Kindle will educate you.

I have been savoring all the Tarzan books and stories he right after another, and let me tell you, this ain't the Tarzan we grew up with. He is entirely self taught, refined, speaks multiple languages, a perfect gentleman (if you call running around naked and killing wild animals with his bare teeth to protect his mate gentlemanly), and a HERO in the true sense of the word. This fellow makes Jack Bauer look like a sissy!  Definitely heart pitty pat material!

You can pick up most of these books on Amazon by doing a search for Edgar Rice Burroughs. If you get one of the "works of" books for your Kindle, you should have most of them. The rest, you should be able to pick up on the Gutenburg site or at

Happy Hunting!

Tarzan Series (in order of appearance) by E. R. Burroughs:
  • Tarzan of the Apes (1912) (Project Gutenberg Ebook)
  • The Return of Tarzan (1913) (Ebook)
  • The Beasts of Tarzan (1914) (Ebook)
  • The Son of Tarzan (1914) (Ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1916) (Ebook)
  • Jungle Tales of Tarzan (1916, 1917) (Ebook)
  • Tarzan the Untamed (1919, 1921) (Ebook)
  • Tarzan the Terrible (1921) (Ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1922, 1923) (Project Gutenberg Australia-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Ant Men (1924) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (1927, 1928) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Lost Empire (1928) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan at the Earth's Core (1929) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan the Invincible (1930-1931.)(Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan Triumphant (1931) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the City of Gold (1932) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Lion Man (1933, 1934) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Leopard Men (1935) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan's Quest (1935, 1936) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan the Magnificent (1936, 1937) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Forbidden City (1938) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Foreign Legion (1947) (Gutenberg Au-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins (1963, for younger readers) (Tarzan Twins-ebook;Tarzan Twins, with Jad-Bal-Ja, the Golden Lion-ebook)
  • Tarzan and the Madman (1964)
  • Tarzan and the Castaways (1965) (Text of Tarzan and the Castaways)
  • Tarzan: the Lost Adventure (with Joe R. Lansdale) (1995)

Note: If you are reading this on your Kindle and want to get a book from the Kindle store now, type in the title or author's name, then toggle your 5-way switch to the right until store is highlighted. Press in on it to search. When the title comes up, make sure it is  an acceptable price before finally pressing in on the 5-way switch to purchase it. You can always press the back button (before you press buy) if you change your mind.