Author: G.K. Chesterton
Published: 1911
Language: English
Wordcount: 78,686 / 220 pg
Series: Queen's Quorum
Genres: Mystery/Detective, Short Story Collection
Twelve mysteries featuring Father Brown, the short, stumpy Catholic priest with "uncanny insight into human evil." tip: go to on your kindle instead of spelling it completely out. This is the mobile version and formatted much better for small devices like your Kindle or iTouch. I have a link set up in this paragraph just so you can give it a try with your Kindle. Enjoy!
Instant refresher:How to download a book file from and how to get it to your Kindle.
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Kindle File Management tip: go to on your kindle instead of spelling it completely out. This is the mobile version and formatted much better for small devices like your Kindle or iTouch. I have a link set up in this paragraph just so you can give it a try with your Kindle. Enjoy!
Instant refresher:How to download a book file from and how to get it to your Kindle.
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Kindle File Management