It is a link to the Mobipocket Guide for your Kindle.
This link has all kinds of "powers."
- Download the latest list (a clickable list) of books available for your Kindle, from your device.
- It is updated daily (every 24 hours) so you can always have access to the freshest ebooks
- These books are formatted by members of the MobileRead community, and done with tender loving care. I haven't seen a poorly formatted ebook yet.
- Books not in MobiPocket format (.mobi or .prc files) are not included in the guide, so you can be sure anything you download from it will be compatible with your Kindle. It loves .prc or .mobi files.
- This guide is in the form of a .mobi book, and can be "read" right from your Kindle.
- All the available books have links so they can be downloaded with your Kindle. Once downloaded, you can see them on your home screen and read normally.