Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kindle Skills - Love of Reading and Sharing

You have probably noticed since you first plugged in your Kindle you are reading much more than before. It is such a handy device, and easy to keep close at all times.

It also makes it very easy to read more than one book at a time. Go back and forth easily from one book to another, knowing your Kindle will always remember your place in every book. Your books are always right there, listed on your Kindle Home screen. You really can have your entire library in your hands.

If you have a spouse, it is really easy to share a Kindle. Set up Collections with each of your names to help organize your books, and pass it back and forth easily. If you notice a little trouble in paradise and find yourselves wanting the Kindle at the same time, you might want to consider an extra Kindle and share the same account.