Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kindle Skills - Don't turn it off...Put it to sleep

There is no need to turn your Kindle completely off. With the e-ink technology, the battery drain is darn near zero unless you are turning pages or doing something Internet related.

Put your Kindle to sleep instead. It will come on faster and be more ready when you are. When your Kindle is asleep, you will see one of those lovely images, rather than a blank screen.

First generation Kindle: While holding down the Alt key, press the Aa key to put your Kindle to sleep or wake it up. There is a power switch on the back of this Kindle to do a full shut down.
Kindle 2, and DX: The on-off switch is on the top. To do a complete shut down, slide the switch and hold it to the side for several seconds. You will see your screen go blank. To just put the Kindle to sleep, slide the switch over, then let it go (no holding). You will see the sleep image appear. To wake up your Kindle, repeat the process (switch slide).

Latest Kindle (wi fi and 3G):  It is pretty much the same as the Kindle 2 and DX, only the on-off switch is on the bottom instead of the top.

Ask Mrs. Wizard: Please send me a personal email ( if you have any questions. I answer all my emails and am more than happy to help any time I can. Your questions mean a lot to me, and may even inspire an article that will help others and make this a more valuable resource to anyone who reads it. 

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