Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ask Mrs. Wizard - Downloading files

When I download the file to my computer, it doesn't have the open/save pop up screen. It seems to download but I am told that my computer cannot open it because it doesn't have the right program to run it on. What is the next step? I downloaded filecure but I couldn't use it because I refuse to pay for it.

Hope you can help,

Thanks so much for your Question April. Hopefully my answer here will help many others too.

I'm going to need a lot more information before I can help April... I need to know what browser you are using... is it Internet Explorer?

It could be the popup screen is coming up but you are clicking too fast and it is disappearing behind the browser window. And what exactly is the file name you are trying to open... you need to know the whole name (including the .doc or whatever at the end of the file name) so I can tell what kind of file it is and why your computer won't open it. You can't just choose something. You have to know what programs will open what.

And you don't need filecure. Sounds like it might be crap ware anyhow.

Special Note for addition on this blog: I hate software that wants you to pay for it before it will work. A lot of good software will at least give you a trial period so you can use it and decide if it is good for you or not.

All you need is to make sure you can see the file extensions (the letters after the dot in the file name, like .txt, etc) and google to search and see what software is needed to open that kind of file. I look up odd file types on google all the time, especially when someone sends me a file I'm not familiar with. If it needs special software to be purchased, I send the person a note back letting them know they need to convert the thing to something everyone can read and be happy with. I have written about the adult view for files earlier this month and a few other times on this blog, with details on how to make sure your computer can see these file extensions on a mac or pc. Everyone needs to check it out. It will make you a much stronger computer user.

Ask Mrs. Wizard: Please send me a personal email ( if you have any questions. I answer all my emails and am more than happy to help any time I can. Your questions mean a lot to me, and may even inspire an article that will help others and make this a more valuable resource to anyone who reads it. 

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