Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kindle Question - losing my place

Originally posted March 24, 2010 by Cindy O'Neal

From a dear reader:

"Lately when I'm reading in my Kindle, and I either close it off or put it down for a time....when I pick it up to continue reading, it has gone back quite a few pages, and I have to keep going forward to come to the place I left off.  It doesn't always do that, but more than not.  Do you have a solution?"

Thank YOU for the question Helen.

Your Kindle shouldn't be doing that by itself at all. At least I have never noticed mine doing anything like that.

When you are finished reading, put it to "sleep" by sliding the top switch to the right and letting go of it. When you "wake up" your Kindle again (by sliding the switch again) you should be right where you left off. This also applies if you just let your Kindle go to "sleep" naturally by just leaving it for a bit.