Wednesday, March 31, 2010


originally posted March 31, 2010 by Cindy O'Neal

Highlighting text in a Kindle is similar to using a highlighter pen on paper. The Kindle stores all your highlights for any book as an annotation. View your annotations any time by pressing the Menu button and selecting My Notes & Marks. Highlights are notes you don't have to type.
Special Note: Highlighting and making Notes will not work in blogs. 

To Highlight Something:
  • Use the 5-way to position the blinking cursor where you want to begin highlighting.
  • Press the 5-way to begin.
  • Toggle the 5-way right (or left) to where you want your highlight to end. You can turn pages if you need to highlight multiple pages of text.
  • Press the 5-way where you want to end the highlighting (or press the Back button to cancel).
  • The text you highlighted will appear with a gray underline.
Remove a Highlight:
  • Use the 5-way to place the blinking cursor over the highlight you want to remove.
  • Press the Delete (DEL) key
You can also delete highlights in the My notes & Marks area. Press the Menu button and select My Notes & Marks. Press in on the 5-way to open. Navigate to the highlight you want to remove and press the Delete (DEL) key. Then move the 5-way down until you select Close Notes & Marks and press the 5-way to close.

Note: You can exit just about anything by pressing the Back button.