Monday, February 01, 2010

Kindle Propping TIP

Originally posted February 1, 2010 by Cindy O'Neal

I caught myself wondering how I could burn a few calories while reading a good book the other day... and needed to prop my kindle so it could be hands free... chewing gum isn't a practical Kindle stopper... you don't need a wad on various tables in various rooms... but I discovered a simple rubber band, even a small one, placed on a table, then sit your kindle on it and prop it against something and it won't slip at all... Great for when you need to have your hands free but don't want to risk your Kindle sliding... I use this technique in the kitchen when I have my favorite recipes open on the kindle.

Oh... did you know the kindle is also a great google searcher for recipes? Try it... just type the recipe you are looking for with the word "recipe" at the beginning or end of the search term. Don't worry about any punctuation... then move the toggle button to the right and press when google is highlighted... you will have more choices than you can shake a rubber band for propping your Kindle with.