Friday, April 08, 2011

Kindle Skills - Sharing

Share your account on several Kindles, or with Kindle devices, like the iPhone, iPad or Android. With us, it's all in the family. As I move on to newer Kindles, I have been sharing my perfectly good older ones with various family members who love to read. My daughter Kelly has the Kindle 2 and I'm getting ready to pass on my Kindle 3 to a dear niece-in-law. I will still have the DX to use and love. All these Kindles are on my Amazon account, with the girls understanding that if they want to purchase a book in the Kindle store from their Kindle, they can send me an Amazon gift certificate to cover the cost. Then we can all "share" the book on our own Kindles.

You might want to set a few friendly ground rules in the beginning of this partnership. For example, it is probably best for your book group members to purchase only Kindle books via their individual Kindles only. The only person who needs full access to the Amazon account should be the actual owner. Gift certificates are certainly the easiest way to pay up for purchases. The actual owner of the account will always receive a message right away when a purchase is made and can keep track of things easily. I think it would also help to keep the group, if it isn't family, as small as possible.

For Kindle devices, each member of your little group needs to have the Kindle software installed and signed on to the Amazon account you all agree to use. Hey! It works here! And it is a lot easier to deal with than trying to find out which books Amazon has made available for "sharing." We are really sharing. The only other thing I would suggest is to make sure your little reading group is close, and only one of you actually owns the Amazon account to be used

Ask Mrs. Wizard: Please send me a personal email ( if you have any questions. I answer all my emails and am more than happy to help any time I can. Your questions mean a lot to me, and may even inspire an article that will help others and make this a more valuable resource to anyone who reads it. 

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